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Текущая версия: mayer (подробности голоса)


Craftsman lawn tractor won't start


2002 model 917.271653 17 HP electric start, Briggs and Stratton engine.  Turned key on.  Heard a small pop.  Won't start.  Solenoid won't click.   Have power to the white line to the solenoid.  Checked the solenoid separately by putting power to terminals and got connectivity across power terminals.  Cable to starter and cable to ground has connectivity.  Jumped starter from battery and it cranks.  Turn key, won't start.  No solenoid click.  No nothing.  Any thoughts?

=== Update (09/02/2015) ===

I took the solenoid out and put power across the activating terminals by jumping from the battery.  Then had conectivity across the power terminals.  Checked the power cable from the  solenoid terminal to the starter and the ground cable from the activation side to ground.  Both good.   Any ideas?


Craftsman Riding Mower



Принятый ответ:


Отредактировано: oldturkey03 (подробности голоса)


Craftsman lawn tractor won't start


2002 model 917.271653 17 HP electric start, Briggs and Stratton engine.  Turned key on.  Heard a small pop.  Won't start.  Solenoid won't click.   Have power to the white line to the solenoid.  Checked the solenoid separately by putting power to terminals and got connectivity across power terminals.  Cable to starter and cable to ground has connectivity.  Jumped starter from battery and it cranks.  Turn key, won't start.  No solenoid click.  No nothing.  Any thoughts?

=== Update (09/02/2015) ===

I took the solenoid out and put power across the activating terminals by jumping from the battery.  Then had conectivity across the power terminals.  Checked the power cable from the  solenoid terminal to the starter and the ground cable from the activation side to ground.  Both good.   Any ideas?


Craftsman Riding Mower



Принятый ответ:


Отредактировано: Norman Bailey


Craftsman lawn tractor won't start


2002 model 917.271653 17 HP electric start, Briggs and Stratton engine. Turned key on. Heard a small pop. Won't start. Solenoid won't click. Have power to the white line to the solenoid. Checked the solenoid separately by putting power to terminals and got connectivity across power terminals. Cable to starter and cable to ground has connectivity. Jumped starter from battery and it cranks. Turn key, won't start. No solenoid click. No nothing. Any thoughts?
+=== Update (09/02/2015) ===
+I took the solenoid out and put power across the activating terminals by jumping from the battery. Then had conectivity across the power terminals. Checked the power cable from the solenoid terminal to the starter and the ground cable from the activation side to ground. Both good. Any ideas?


Craftsman Riding Mower



Принятый ответ:


Отредактировано: Norman Bailey


Craftsman lawn tractor won't start


2002 model 917.271653 17 HP electric start, Briggs and Stratton engine.  Turned key on.  Heard a small pop.  Won't start.  Solenoid won't click.   Have power to the white line to the solenoid.  Checked the solenoid separately by putting power to terminals and got connectivity across power terminals.  Cable to starter and cable to ground has connectivity.  Jumped starter from battery and it cranks.  Turn key, won't start.  No solenoid click.  No nothing.  Any thoughts?


Craftsman Riding Mower



Принятый ответ:


Оригинальный сообщение: Norman Bailey


Craftsman lawn tractor won't start


2002 model 917.271653 17 HP electric start, Briggs and Stratton engine.  Turned key on.  Heard a small pop.  Won't start.  Solenoid won't click.   Have power to the white line to the solenoid.  Checked the solenoid separately by putting power to terminals and got connectivity across power terminals.  Cable to starter and cable to ground has connectivity.  Jumped starter from battery and it cranks.  Turn key, won't start.  No solenoid click.  No nothing.  Any thoughts?


Craftsman Riding Mower

