I recently had this happen on my parents fridge! It was a setting in that weird little touch screen that they have. I accidentally bumped up against it and it stopped cooling. After tons of searching for the manual I found one here: http://www.kitchenaid.com/digitalassets/KSC23C8EYY/Use%20and%20Care_EN.pdf . Look on page 5 of this manual for the operation of the touch screen. In the touch screen controls there is a way to turn on and off the cooling. I don't know if this is the same problem you are having but I hope this helps!!
I recently had this happen on my parents fridge! It was a setting in that weird little touch screen that they have. I accidentally bumped up against it and it stopped cooling. After tons of searching for the manual I found one here: http://www.kitchenaid.com/digitalassets/KSC23C8EYY/Use%20and%20Care_EN.pdf . Look on page 5 of this manual for the operation of the touch screen. In the touch screen controls there is a way to turn on and off the cooling. I don't know if this is the same problem you are having but I hope this helps!![image|1235568]
I recently had this happen on my parents fridge! It was a setting in that weird little touch screen that they have. I accidentally bumped up against it and it stopped cooling. After tons of searching for the manual I found one here: http://www.kitchenaid.com/digitalassets/KSC23C8EYY/Use%20and%20Care_EN.pdf . In the touch screen controls there is a way to turn on and off the cooling. I don't know if this is the same problem you are having but I hope this helps!!
I recently had this happen on my parents fridge! It was a setting in that weird little touch screen that they have. I accidentally bumped up against it and it stopped cooling. After tons of searching for the manual I found one here: http://www.kitchenaid.com/digitalassets/KSC23C8EYY/Use%20and%20Care_EN.pdf . Look on page 5 of this manual for the operation of the touch screen. In the touch screen controls there is a way to turn on and off the cooling. I don't know if this is the same problem you are having but I hope this helps!!
I recently had this happen on my parents fridge! It was a setting in that weird little touch screen that they have. I accidentally bumped up against it and it stopped cooling. After tons of searching for the manual I found one here: http://www.kitchenaid.com/digitalassets/KSC23C8EYY/Use%20and%20Care_EN.pdf . In the touch screen controls there is a way to turn on and off the cooling. I don't know if this is the same problem you are having but I hope this helps!!