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Текущая версия: ericaangela


I too had the searching problem now I don't. Here is what I did:
1. Turned phone off
2. Remove sim card
3. Turn phone on
4. Reset network settings
5. Turn phone off
6. dropped on back from height of 12 inches with case on (I had done all the other "fixes", don't judge me!)
7. Put sim card back
8. Turned on
9. Instant 4G!!!
+It stopped working after this, I could repeat these steps with some success but finally they just didn't work anymore. I have got 3G back by doing the following:
+1. Opening up the phone
+2. taking out sim card
+3. Pushing down hard on the 4 corners of the sim card "cage" with a screwdriver
+4. put a thick piece of tape on the actual sim card
+5. reinserted the card (had to stuff it in)
+6. closed up the phone
+7. turned on
+8. 3g
+We'll see how long this lasts...



Оригинальный сообщение: ericaangela


I too had the searching  problem now I don't. Here is what I did:

1. Turned phone off

2. Remove sim card

3. Turn phone on

4. Reset network settings

5. Turn phone off

6. dropped on back from height of 12 inches with case on (I had done all the other "fixes", don't judge me!)

7. Put sim card back

8. Turned on

9. Instant 4G!!!

