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Текущая версия: oldturkey03


-***[link|https://www.ifixit.com/User/4129203/TheGaming+OrangeSlime|TheGaming OrangeSlime|new_window=true]*** if it does not charge, start with replacing the battery. Of course you have checked the charger and the cable first. Make sure those are in good condition. Use this disassembly guide [guide|139759] or check [link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRqQyHwuN4U|this video] to get to the battery. Replace the battery and re-evaluate. Let us know if this fixed it.
+***[link|https://www.ifixit.com/User/4129203/TheGaming+OrangeSlime|TheGaming OrangeSlime|new_window=true]*** if it does not charge, start with replacing the battery. Of course you have checked the charger and the cable first. Make sure those are in good condition. Use this disassembly guide [guide|139759] ***or*** check [link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu4-Ly3eFTw|this video] to get to the battery. Replace the battery and re-evaluate. Let us know if this fixed it.



Оригинальный сообщение: oldturkey03


***[link|https://www.ifixit.com/User/4129203/TheGaming+OrangeSlime|TheGaming OrangeSlime|new_window=true]*** if it does not charge, start with replacing the battery. Of course you have checked the charger and the cable first. Make sure those are in good condition. Use this disassembly guide [guide|139759] or check [link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRqQyHwuN4U|this video] to get to the battery. Replace the battery and re-evaluate. Let us know if this fixed it.

