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Model M2453 or M6411 / 300, 366, or 466 MHz G3 processor

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Stripped display screw, can't find parts, any suggestions?

I recently replaced the hard drive and LCD in my Tangerine Clamshell. I've refurbished at least 6 or 7 different clamshells and I guess I was just moving to fast and stripped the right display anchor screw, I'm not even sure what to replace. I've looked through lots of parts. I really don't want to scrap this machine, I bought it brand spanking new. Anyone have any ideas?

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Hardware and auto stores often sell "thread chasers" that can clean/recut a stripped thread (don't know how small they go).

Helicoil inserts also fix mugged up threads. (same sources) same size proviso.

There's recutting it one size up, and the ever popular super glue, bondo, expoxy glue.

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