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My MacBook won't charge, replaced magsafe board and battery.

My macbook just quit charging one day. Its does not light up green or amber. It would do this from time to time and if i bent the cable on the magsafe adapter input it would light up an begin to charge. Eventually this wouldnt work.

I bought a new AC power adapter off ebay and still nothing. It wasnt an Apple brand but was still new and was said to work. I bought a new battery thinking this to be the cause. The new battery was pre charged and after i put it in, viola it worked. However, it would still not charge. But everything else was working and running fine, i just could not get a charge to the battery.

I replaced the magsafe board after discovering these can fail and this was the next logical step....and still no charge or green led light. So what is the cuplrit?

After i put the full precharged battery i ordered in eveything seem to be fine. If its not the power adapter, battery, or magsafe board...what could cause it not too charge?

I read the next step would be to replace the logic board. But everything was literally working great when i put a full battery in...so im still not sure its something major. Is there other ways to charge a battery besides through the DC in on the magsafe board?

Please please give any thoughts on this i dont wanna have to shell out 200 bucks for a new logic board.

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Are you sure the AC power adapter is good here? Given the fact the power cord's LED is not glowing at all I would suspect that first. I wouldn't use a non-Apple unit as there have been fires and people have been hurt by some clone units.

Depending on the damage in your old AC charger it could have shorted power to the signal line. If that happened it could have damaged the comparator logic which controls the charging of the battery. This logic sadly, is on the main logic board. So it may end up needing a new board or getting your system to someone how can replace the SMT components on it.

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I am not sure the power adapter is good considering its not apple brand...but seeing as its light will not come on at all either im thinking the old adapter shorted the power as you said...because it was acting funny before and i had to bend the cable just to get it to charge. Would the comparator logic be difficult/expensive to fix? What are SMT components?


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