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Model A1013, A1052, A1085, or A1107 / 1440x900 screen resolution

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Won't boot from OS10.4 from hard drive

I upgraded the OS on this computer and now it won't boot--just grey screen with spinning gear--no question mark. Will boot from external drive. I have wiped the drive and done a clean install. Runs fine when I have the original OS10.3 installed, but won't upgrade even to later 10.3 updates,

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What OS did you install? Tell me about the upgrade disk, please.


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Выбранное решение

If it boots from 10.3 but not 10.4 my best guess is, not enough RAM. 10.4 needs at least 256 MB. If one of your sticks or slots is bad or you just don't have 256, 10.4 will not work. From your 10.3 start up go under the Apple to "about this Mac" more info, memory and see what your book is reading. Let us know. Thanks

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Good answer + Ralph


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Thanks for the replies.

I ran the Apple hardware diagnostic disc, everything came out OK. The OS disc is a retail Tiger one. I also took the PowerBook to the Genius Bar at the Apple Store, they did exactly the same thing I did, told me to do a clean install--but to no avail. Machine won't boot from Tiger, but boots fine from 10.3.

I was hoping there might be a simpler solution--I don't feel confident after looking at the procedure to replace the hard drive and I'd rather not sink any more money into an outdated machine.

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