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Repair guides and support information for RCA-brand tablets.

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How to find parts & replace cracked screen 4an RCA tablet RTC6773W22?

Looking for help to replace a cracked screen on an RCA Tablet.

RCA Tablet

SN#: RS251Ds5A7691

Modle #: RTC6773W22

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Tablet doesn't want to turn on


It's just a white blank screen. They were suppose to send me label so that I could return it to get checked on, but I never received label. It has already been about 2 months. If it will help, the id number they gave me was- 8812. My pads numbers are-rct6773w22-Fccd- A2HRCT6773w22


My screen cracked RCT6773W22 B


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I need a charger cord for my tablet my cord broke the end that plugs into the tablet pleas let me know where I can get one Camilla Bentley email cbentley829@gmail.com

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Is there a replacement Battery for this model

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jalentrue будет вечно благодарен.
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