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CDMA версия четвертого поколения iPhone. Ремонт прост, но дисплей должен быть заменен в сборе с сенсорным стеклом. 16 или 32 ГБ памяти / Модель A1349 / Cовместимость с CDMA.

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Smoking, won't turn on

My girlfriend plugged her phone in the car and went into the gas station quickly. When she came out she said her phone was smoking and now will not turn on or anything. Do I just replace the battery or would it just be worth it to get a new phone?

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Выбранное решение

Batteries are cheap and worth a try USUALLY but I doubt it's just that. First thing is to look under the hood at the logic board to see if there is apparent damage.

Use the guides in iFixit to learn the steps and acquire the proprietary tools needed to remove the phone's back cover.

Don't spend too much money on it though, it's old, slow, and cheap.

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