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The 1999 Chevrolet Malibu is part of the fifth generation (1997-2003) manufactured by General Motors. This is the first smaller, front-wheel-drive Malibu that General Motors put back on the market after the Malibu line was temporarily discontinued in the early 1980's.

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The engine turns over but won't start up.

(1998 Chevy Malibu) The engine turns over but won't start up. The instrument panel over the steering wheel will not light up (brakes, engine warning light, etc.), but the radio and the fan for the A/C works with the key in the on position. It was working fine yesterday, running and driving, but will not start today. I have already checked the fuses in the engine compartment(as well as the fuses in the passenger compartment) and they all look ok, I removed the battery terminal connection (reboot comp), cleaned it and reconnected it but still no go. Any Ideas?

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Don't know about your car and can't seem to find out, but given that you don't have any dashboard warning lights I'm wondering if you have a problem with your Engine Control Module (ECM). Either with the power supplied to it (via a fuse or relay - can't find out which for your car) or whether it is functioning itself. It controls a lot of things e.g. fuel, spark, timing, warning lights etc, etc. Alternatively I'm also wondering if it could be your ignition key assembly itself, a contact not operating something. As an aside were you aware of this -http://www.autonews.com/article/20140630....


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yeah, go get it fixed for the ignition key, and then tell them the lights were working fine when you brought it in.

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