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Nintendo's upgraded version of the Nintendo 3DS. It features bigger screens, longer battery life, better pixel density, and a better design.

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My Nintendo 3DS XL's top screen doesn't click into place

I got my 3DS over a year ago, and I've been enjoying it ever since. I play it almost everyday more than 7 hours plus on it, but a few months later I had to send it in for repairs due to the hinge breaking. I got it repaired 4 months ago, now the top screen doesn't snap into place at the 120 degree angle mark, instead the top screen stays flat.

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The piece in the 3DS that you're describing lives in the left hinge. I'n not sure what it's called but it's what holds the top half in place and makes the click sound. It can be fixed, but it's not a job for the weak of heart. The bottom half of the unit has to be disassembled and the motherboard removed. There's a good guide on here

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