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The second generation HTC One—dubbed the HTC One (M8)—features a dual flash and the new Sense 6 UI, and was released March 25, 2014.

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Help! My HTC One M8 can't charge or turn on

Last night when my battery hit 12% i plugged the charger, everything normal it when to charge mode and i went to sleep but when i wake up i find out the phone has shut down it self... i try to turn it on but nothing happened. I realize that the RED LED (When you plug the charge it normally there) no longer on. I've try hold power button, volume up down, change charge, pc charge but none work. Anythings else i can do or time for me to get a new phone? (The phone never been drop or in wet condition)

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Dear friend,

I had read your issue,

you should understand that it happened due to fluctuations of power supply,

1.first need check your phone battery if it working fine, read 2.

2. its happened due to power fluctuations so it cause had damaged your phones power management ic.

so you need to replace power management ic

it will work fine

Good luck my friend

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