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This product is a 27-inch LED display with a resolution of 2650x1440 pixels released by Apple on July 27, 2010. It has the model number A1316.

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What's this smudges on my LCD?

Hey guys,

What's this smudges on my screen? When my cinema display is cold, they don't appear, but when it gets hot (very hot), they get more and more stronger.

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I've seen some topics which the people say this can be some clouding, but I'm afraid this isn't that.


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do they look like there on the display (e.g, are they pixelated?) or on the glass, because i have a very similar display, and i can't explain how smudgy it is.


I already removed the glass and the smudges are on LCD. :/


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There is a few causes of this:

  • Even though LCD's don't have the same issue of burn-in as older CRT's you still can get it! If you have a desktop image which is static with large dark & light sections you can get this effect.
  • If someone was servicing your system and pressed on the back of the LCD they could disrupt the liquid causing a dark splotch or line if the object was sharp.
  • Some displays glass plates did not get properly washed during the manufacturing process. This was a big problem for Apple with the 2011 21.5 & 27" iMac screens, some where also off color.

In this case I suspect it was your background image that burn't in.

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In one of these causes, what's the proper fix?


In all the cases I listed it requires a replacement screen ;-{


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