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Guides for the Wi-Fi version of the iPad Mini 4—model A1538. Announced on September 9, 2015, the iPad Mini 4 is the successor to the iPad Mini 3.

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Can't install or remove apps after screen AND home button replace.

IPAD 4 mini.

I replaced the broken screen/LCD and home button. I know I no longer have Touch ID and I don't care. Everything seems to be working fine except I can't update,install or delete apps from the home screen. I am able to delete from the iCloud settings butt, no reinstall. I went as far as a complete reset and restore, same thing.

I don't have much hair......It's going fast...please help!


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Do you get an error? Is the little bubble in the corner of the icon there?


No errors.

The icons wiggle with the delete (x) but, nothing happens when touched.


Did you try a DFU restore yet?


I did not know what dfu meant until I looked it up. So no I have not. Can you recommend instructions?


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The home buttons touch ID harware and and the processor are paired, for security.

You will need to put the old home button back on.

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The old home button was destroyed. New home button works. I'm typing this on the IPAD right now.


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tjmurf будет вечно благодарен.
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