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The Dell Vostro 5470 is a 14" business oriented laptop released on October 13, 2015. Repair guides and information can be found here.

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button power sometime can't turn on

my button power sometime can't turn on, i must to push many time, but sometime its very eassy to turn on. what can i do now. sorrry my english is not good. ths

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Try pushing it at a certain spot that makes it turn on. Then turn off computer and keep pushing it there a.nd it if always turns on when you push it at that spot, there is nothing wrong. If it doesnt there is some other issue

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th a nk s sir


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If you have experience taking apart laptops, I would try re-seating the flex first then go from there

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tha n k si r


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nghiemngo.95 будет вечно благодарен.
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