lg plasma tv 50px4rzb no video & sound
I got this LG Plasma TV model 50PX4RZB, problem is that there is no video or sound (maybe sound is working, but I can hear nothing and I don't have remote control to change input).
I checked the board, no Inflated capacitors or burned parts found. Power supply is OK (TV LED turns green, voltages are ok).
No blown fuses (there was one on Y-SUS Board when I found the TV, but I replaced it and no change, fuse didn't blew again).
I have tried to clean flex connector with IPA, no change. Also I tried to disconnect Z-SUS, turn TV on, then disconect Y-SUS, no change, still same problem - no video or sound. Plasma panel has no cracks, it is not damaged.
Could someone tell me, how to find out what is causing problem? I would like to repair TV and sell it or keep it in my workshop, I know it is probably non-economic, but if the repair cost around $ 100 I would give that money to make TV working again.
Thanks everyone for any clue, that will help.
Sorry for my English, it's not best, I'm from Czech Republic, but I hope you do understand me.
Have a nice day!
Dominik Pechac
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