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Mid 2006 / Model Number: A1181 / black or white case / 1.83 or 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo processor

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Can't turn ON with power button, but it works otherwise

Some facts:

- I am still able to turn my Mac ON (details below, may be helpful for someone)

- It does not react anyhow to power button, I can't turn it on/off/sleep with power button

- Top case with power button is not the problem (tested on another Mac)

- Resetting SMC, PRAM does not really help

- I am confident it is logic board issue

As described above I have late 2006 Core 2 DUO Macbook 13 with some problem that it not reacts anyhow to power button. Otherwise the keyboard and touchpad work. The only way I found to turn it ON is to disconnect the PRAM battery. With disconnected PRAM battery every-time when the MAC loses power (disconnect power supply and remove battery) it starts itself automatically up on connecting to power supply. (That is not a fault that is normal behavior, which I observed on more units). So I am able to use my Mac normally until I turn it off, then I must remove the battery (and lose WIFi passwords, time, date setting etc). What can be the problem? Obviously something with logic board but what? I do not mind any soldering, but I do not know where to start, I see one transistor close to the keyboard flexcable socket which is described as "power button", may be I should start there? I saw on newer Mac's that there are two soldpads on logic board, where by shorting them it is possible to turn it ON, but I see nothing like that on my logic board (except the transistor mentioned above)

Edit: Scheduled start up in Energy saver preferences also works.

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+ great question, just wish I had an answer as good. This is a first.


I located 2 pins on the logic board which act as power button, shortening them with screwdriver turns it ON and OFF as expected. But still no reaction for the button on the topcase.


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Problem located and fixed. Microscope with 20x magnification helped me again. There was 1 Kohm resistor next to topcase flexcable socket which was lose. The resistor was connection between power button and transistor on the logic board which actually turns it ON. I resoldered the resistor and connection is OK.

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Hello radek,

where was that resistor? Was it on the motherboard or on the board that is on the topcase — because there two flexcable sockets actually.

Thank you.

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radek будет вечно благодарен.
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