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Дата выхода 25 сентября 2015 г. Модель A1687 / A1634. Ремонт данного устройства схож с предыдущими моделями, требующий отвертки и инструменты для вскрытия. Доступен в версиях GSM или CDMA; с 16, 64 или 128 ГБ памяти; в цветах: Серебристый, Золотой, «Серый космос» и «Розовое золото».

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iPhone won't charge and keeps restarting, it won't even die.

I'm completely stumped by this.

Last night, I dropped my phone (protected by a case) but my charger broke. I have a spare one that I decided to use but I woke up this morning and it was at the same percentage, 6%. Now it's completely stuck at 2%. The phone keeps restarting every few minutes, if it goes to 1% it'll jump back to 2 after it restarts. It seems I can't let it die at this point which is weird.

I had the battery replaced a couple of weeks ago, so it's brand new. Could it be the charger? But if so, why is it keep restarting?

Many thanks to anyone who can help or give some insight.

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Have you had a look at the pins inside of your iPhone ? They might be damaged, bended, preventing the phone from charging correctly.


what can i do to my iphone 6plus when it doesnt charge and always restart itself anytime i try to do anything or play music on it anyone please


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Was the spare charger an Apple original charger or an inexpensive "dollar store" charger? I ask because cheap chargers can damage the charge circuit inside the iPhone.

Now when a phone has charging issues, normally the first thing to try is a new battery, as that is the weakest link. It is possible that the replacement battery is dead. If you can install a known good battery and it does the same thing, then your problem would be logic board related, which would require a micro-soldering repair.

In your situation, I would return to the shop that replaced your battery and have them test it or try another one to help isolate the problem.

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I had this issue, and solved it by plugging into my iMac with iTunes running. Entered recovery mode by pressing the home and wake buttons for 10 seconds, and the phone stopped cycling and started charging. Actually doing an update or recovery is optional, but it’s not a bad idea.

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You were able to use iTunes to update it . . . did the Mac or PC also charge the phone? If so, maybe the problem lies with your charger. It could be defective . . . and some cheapo generic chargers don’t have the firmware that the iPhone needs to talk to.

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It’s ok now. It kindah solved by itself. By the time I was updating the iOs.

Thank you everyone !!!

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The computer won't read my iPhone and I can't get it to do anything because it won't stay on long

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I have run into the same problem and if you cant unlock your i-device then your imac or windows computer will not recognise the i-device because you cannot unlock your device to trust your computer for anything else contact me at 23dmitchell23@gmail.com


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It sounds like your phone is having trouble charging properly, likely due to the damaged charger or a connection issue. The phone may not be receiving enough power to charge, causing it to restart and freeze at a low percentage. Try using a different charger and cable to see if that resolves the issue. If the problem persists, there could be internal damage from the drop, such as to the charging port or battery connection.

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