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A Kenmore residential washing machine made between 2001 and 2009. Identify the age of your Kenmore washer with its serial number.

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The washer is like it's not ringing out all the way

The wash machine comes on and runs water in it I'm assuming it washes and then all of the lights go off it doesn't say when it complete none of them are lit up so when I open the lid but the lid is unlocked when I open the lid the clothes are still not saturated but I can still ring water out of them tell me what's going on

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Cause 1

Drain Pump

Sometimes, small objects or articles of clothing can get caught in the drain pump. To determine if anything is blocking the drain pump, remove the drain pump and check the pump for obstructions. If the drain pump is clear of obstructions, but is still noisy during the drain cycle, replace the drain pump.

Cause 2

Clogged Pump or Hose

Sometimes, socks and other small articles of clothing can get into the drain system and clog the pump hose or the pump itself. Remove the hoses from the pump and check for any obstructions.

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