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iPhone Charges While Off, But Doesn't Charge When On

Let's Keep It Simple,

I'm Traveling In 5 Days Since This Thread Got Posted

I Wanted To Bring The 4S With Me As A Backup And As An Editor For Videos (Splice Is Only For iPhone)

So I Took It Out Of The Closet And Put It In The Charger, It Charges, OK!

But Then I Forgot The Password That I Had On The iPhone,

I Tried Multiple Password And It Got Blocked (Not Surprising) So I Wanted To Put It In Recovery-Mode So I Can Restore It With iTunes, But EVERYTIME I Hold The Power+Home It Gets On The Battery Is Empty Logo, So I Try To Plug It In While Its On, But It Doesn't Show That Its Charging, I Tried A Power Bank, A Laptop, And A Wall Charger, But No Luck, Same Result. I Would Like Some URGENT Solution, Because As I Said, Im Travelling For A Vacation .

Thank You

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This sounds like a battery issue. You may have to get the battery replaced.

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Thank You For The Answer, But As I've Replaced The Battery Before I Packed It Up In My Closet, So I Don't See Any Possibility That It Might Be The Battery, Also Yesterday It Got To Charge To 20% But Then I Tried To Get Into DCU Mode It Showed The Apple Logo And Then Crashed, (Gray Stripes And Red Dots On Screen) And Turned Off. Suspecting A Board Replacement, Or A Cheap IPhone 5\5s\6




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