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Ringtones not working with incoming calls & texts

I am notified of incoming calls and texts via vibration. Can’t seem to turn the vibration off, while I can’t get the ringtones to work. When choosing which ringtone to use for which service, a sample will play. I did drop the phone…

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Ah man, I can't believe I forgot that little slider was there. Didn't even think of it. Thank you - kind of an Uh, duh - moment!


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Выбранное решение


it seem you need to turn off the silent mode using the slider on the upper left part of the phone just on top the volume Bottons

if that didn’t work its probably stuck with dirt

try prying the dirt out with “DRY “soft tooth brush or tiny broom that should fix it


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Kind of an "Uh, duh!" moment for me! Didn't even check that - completely forgot that little slider was there. Thank you!!!


you're welcome


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