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I'm having some real issues getting the screws back in.

I'm having some real issues getting the screws back in

Of course, the screws come out with no problem. I'm having some real problems getting them back in.I'm having some real problems getting back in, namely just lining them up in the holes. I just can't seem to find the holes or when I do, that initial catch is really hard to achieve.

Suggestions are appreciated. I consider my fingers smaller, I would think that would work in my favor so I would think that would work in my favor but it doesn't seem to be helping here.

Thank you.

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make sure that you are placing the screws correctly. It is imperative that each individual screw is being used in the right opening. Use the guides from here iPhone 4s to make sure of that. Also, make sure that you have the right part (whatever you replaced) and check first to see if they line up properly. To properly place the screws, a magnetic screwdriver will be far more beneficial than small hands/fingers.

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