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Can I install older iOS's on my iPhone?

I would like to know if is possible to install older iOS on iPhone 4S.

This thing is important because I’ve got an iPhone 4S with 9.3.5 iOS and I noticed that this iOS is really slow, so I would like to downgrade to iOS 7.0 but I noticed that this is not possible because Apple didn’t sign iOS 7.0 or 7.0.x.

So, what is the solution? If Apple didn’t sign an iOS, but if I’ve the file of iOS 7.0.x is possible with another software downgrade actual iOS to iOS 7.0.x?

Thank you in advance for reply.

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If Apple isn't signing the OS it’s impossible to downgrade to a non signed iOS. There isn’t a good way around this, either.

Update (11/26/2018)

So that’s what this is all about?

Can I install older iOS's on my iPhone?

Exporting IPA files (of Apps) from iOS 9.3.5 of iPhone 4S

Build a NEW iPhone

Restore device with iOS 4.0

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So there aren't software that can be used with jailbreak and that can downgrade iOS 9.3.5 to iOS 7? Because with iOS 7 is possible using whatsapp, but with iOS 6.1.3 (that is really fast and good for iPhone 4S) not, isn't possible. So, or I downgrade iPhone 4S to iOS 7, or I install whatsapp on iOS 6.1.3, so, what can I do? Whatsapp can't be installed on iOS 6.1.3, or there is a solution about this?


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