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The Huawei P8 Lite (Model: ALE-L21) announced April 2015, shows beauty in simplicity. Its professional cameras enable you to take natural and sharp pictures even in the darkest environment. The beauty mode highlights the best features of the owner in every selfie.

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Voice is really muffled in calls. Get's fixed when using speaker.

My mom had this problem with here phone for quite some time now that here voice is really muffle when making a call. However when switching to speaker the voice gets much clearer.

So I did a bit of googling and it seems like the noise cancelling mic on the top is the problem. Though I haven’t found a solution for it yet.

It has no warranty so that’s not an option. As far as I can see the noise cancelling mic is part of the motherboard, so in case of a hardware defect the whole thing would have to get changed, right? In case it’s a software problem, how would one go about fixing it?

Thanks in advance!

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check for dust/lint in the microphone hole on the bottom edge of the phone, as far as i know when switching to loudspeaker it changes to the mic thats used for videos etc

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