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will not shut off - I've tried everything

have had it for 2 years, use it almost daily, started to not shut off a few days ago,tried restoring and up dated software - nothing is working. Is there a sesnsor/chip beneath the wheel that can be raplaced - i this worth it or should just junk it and get a new one- i like this one though---


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When you say it does not shut off, exactly what do you mean. It does not shut off after a certain time or not at all? I would definitely hang on to it for as long as it works.


will not stop playing - it runs until the battery dies and i charge it up again or i hit center/menu at once to reset - a lot of work to make it stop playing


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http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1605?viewl... will show you that it is not easy to turn the iPod completely off. After holding down the play/pause button, it will turn off after a period of time (or go into low power mode). But technically it is not off it goes to sleep. When it goes to sleep it still saves your battery. You could also try this "To start at the iPod Menu, scroll all the way down to Shuffle Songs.

Then hold the CENTER\SELECT key, and the MENU\RETURN key.

Then the iPod will restart.

At the 5 sec, while the iPod is clearing it's dashboard Press and hold the CENTER\SELECT key, and REWIND\LEFT key at the same time, until the Apple Logo shows.

The the iPod Diagnostics screen will show.

Press the FORWARD\RIGHT key and press the CENTER\SELECT key.

This will take you to the SLEEP menu.

Then, you will click on DEEP-SLEEP and MAKE SURE TO LOCK THE iPOD with the switch on top" from here

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