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Fourth generation of iPad, released November 2, 2012, available in 16, 32, or 64 GB models. Model Number A1458

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How can I dismiss the 'this accesssory may not be supported' message?

All solutions I find to this error message say to dismiss or ignore the message, however my screen is frozen on that message. I can hit dismiss but the message stays, so I’m also unable to turn off my device. Clicking any button the message will pop up; it doesn't matter if it’s plugged in or not. Any ideas on how to get past that pop up? Currently we are waiting for the battery to die.

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If you haven’t already, try just holding the power button and home button at the same time for like 20 seconds. It feels like a long time, but eventually the device should shut off and restart. See if that helps and let us know!

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This worked! So simple... thank you!! :)


Any time! I'm glad it worked!! :)


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