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This page is written on the ASUS A52F-XE2, this model number can be found on the back of the device. Released in Quarter 3 of 2010, the A52F is a fully capable machine that can handle everyday tasks and multimedia needs.

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Windows can't shut down

I got my laptop back in 2013, it works well, sometimes, when I tried to shut down or restart by clinking Shutdown or Restart button, it is without any reaction. System: Windows 7.

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Is Windows up to date?

All the drivers up to date ? Also the GPU driver ?

When nothing is working, try to format the laptop and re-install Windows 7 or install Windows 10.

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Any latest instruction on reinstall Windows 7? Thank you!


So all the drivers and updates are correctly installed?

If yes, check this out: https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/5...


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