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iPod nano 4th Gen won't restore

I purchased a used 16 GB ipod on Craigslist. It had 2 songs on it, and it seemed to work fine. I downloaded iTunes but it would not let me put music onto it. When I plugged the ipod into the usb port it said that it was in recovery mode and that i should restore the ipod to correct, which I did. That erased the two songs, and under settings it now says "0 KB used and 0KB free." It never fully restored and kept telling me the network connection timed out, even though our internet connection is fine. I'm stumped. Doesn't seem like any of the other questions are exactly my problem, and have not worked. Any help?

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Check on here about your settings http://support.apple.com/kb/ts1275


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This is an error with the update file and not the device, google 'itunes update error', it seems to be something to do with a file within the update package, its a wrong web address or something like this.

there are instructions on how to resolve it on the web.


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