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Explore comprehensive repair and disassembly guides for a wide range of food-cooling appliances. This is your go-to solution for troubleshooting and fixing refrigerators, fridge-freezers, and other cooling units. Whether you're dealing with common issues or looking for step-by-step instructions on specific models, our detailed guides cover everything you need to keep your appliances running efficiently. Perfect for both DIY enthusiasts and professional repair technicians.

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freezes up so only the freezer work

I have a 2018 built in GE monogram french door refrigerator and every 2 or 3 months it freezes up so only the freezer works, GE told me it was my fault and we probably were not closing the freezer door completely, I have methodically checked this and it still freezes up so assume it is defective, my warranty runs out in August so need this fixed, any one had similar problems

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Russell, I’d suggest calling GE back. Doing any repairs yourself could void your warranty. I would request a different technician to come out to diagnose the issue. If you aren’t shutting the door completely, your freezer wouldn’t be freezing properly either. Most people will notice the door open because that refrigerator has an alarm that beeps. I’m not buying what the technician told you. Especially if you’ve been making sure the door is closed.

The issue your experiencing is typical for a defrost problem, gasket issue or a fan motor. Either way, it is all under warranty and you should not have to pay for repairs

You have an expensive, top of the line refrigerator and your warranty is to protect you from costly repairs. The right technician will be able to solve the problem. Unfortunately, not all technicians are the same. Request a different technician or even request the lead tech. People do it all the time. Use your warranty while you can.

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Depending on the model, which you didn't provide there could be five possible problems:

  1. Main board
  2. Defrost time
  3. Defrost sensor
  4. Defrost element
  5. Fridge needs to be pulled out and coils vacuumed and cleaned

When I had the problem, it was ther defrost element. If everything else is working, I doubt it's the main board.

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I probably should've said at least 5 possible problems. I'm sure I overlooked a couple.


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