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The Nissan Altima is a mid-size automobile manufactured by Nissan, and is arguably a continuation of the Nissan Bluebird line, which began in 1957.

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Lost key need to start won't key

I lost the ignition key to my 2006 Nissan Altima while sitting in helping a friend at story. My keys are nowhere to be found I need to move my car in 1 hour before the place closes I watched a YouTube video to get the car out of park in case I have to roll it out of the facility. I now need to know how to start my car my steering wheel is not locked and my car is in neutral

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A policeman might be a good source for now..

Monday you can call your dealership and give them your VIN number and they can make you one.

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Your local Nissan dealer should help as mayer mentioned previously. I would also recommend you to check the VIN number, just in case. Maybe this decoder could help. Actually, there are lots of online services where you could find information about your car.

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