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1.5 Core Solo, 1.66 or 1.83 Core Duo, or 1.83 or 2 GHz Core 2 Duo processor. This covers the first Intel-based Mac Mini models from Early 2006 to Mid 2007.

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Fans at full speed and don't stop even if I shut the mac mini down.

Hi! My mac mini 2007 (2.1) fans run at full speed and do not stop even then I shut down my mac mini. They only stop if I unplug it.

I ran the AHT and it shows 4MOT/1/40000003: Master.

Any suggestions?

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The error 4MOT is a fan error. Apple uses a fan which has a tachometer within it which reports to SMC the fans status which in this case has failed. SMC will push the fan to the max as it wants to make sure your system is not overheating,

You could try to clean it with a small soft paint brush and a can of can’ed air. Most of the time they are just burnt out and need replacing Mac Mini Intel Fan (06/07), Apple P/N 922-7317 - Used. Here’s the guide you’ll need to follow Mac mini Model A1176 Fan Replacement

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