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The first model of the iMac line of personal computers made by Apple. The iMac G3 was produced between 1998 and 2003.

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Why won't my old 1998 blue iMac turn on?

I have an old blue imac. It will not turn on. I tried the button on the keyboard and on the monitor. I check the plug and it was plug in the computer and outlet. I tried another cord and no luck. Could it have something to do with the battery inside?

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If your date and time started showing incorrectly or your printer dropped off line before you had the start problem, then more than likely your 3.6 volt 1/2 AA battery died and needs replacement. You can also try resetting the PRAM and NVRAM, here's how:

To reset the PRAM you simply:

Shut down your Mac.

Locate and hold simultaneously the Command (Apple), Option, P, and R keys.

Turn on your Mac and hold the key combination before the gray screen appears.

Only release the keys after the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for a second time.

If this doesn’t fix your issue you can take the next step which resets the NVRAM.

Restart your Mac.

Locate and hold down the Command (Apple), Option, O, and F keys.

Your Mac will boot into command line prompt.

Type the following, hitting return after each line:





Here's how to change it: http://www.satcure.co.uk/accs/imac.htm

Here's the battery or Radio Shack sells it for $20 : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tekcell-1-2AA-3-...

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7 Комментариев:

When my imac was working it was showing the date as 1956 so it probably is the battery. Is it easy to change? Where do I get the battery?


much better price!


Yes I replaced the battery and it works!! Thank you everyone for your help!!


Glad I could help solve your problem.


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