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My iPod can charge but iTunes/PC/MAC won't recognize it


I Have a weird problem... I have tried in differents PCs/Mac and with different cables and my iPod can charge but doesn't recognize the ipod...

I cant see the ipod on my device list but the iPod still charging....

I think that the ipod dock connection wont work so well... so what are my options??

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look inside the connector.

most devices with that particular problem have dirt or a slight fluid damage inside the connector.

i would use a paintbrush and some rubbing alcohol or better - an electronics cleaner

spray on the brusch and clean the connector - let it dry and then connect it to the computer

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Thanks for your answer!

I cleaned the connector 3 times with a paintbrush and alcohol... i have no electronics cleaner.

It has no effect T_T i think i will buy some electronics cleaner and try with that...


i guess you did everything what apple described here: http://www.apple.com/support/ipod/five_r... - the problem could also be inside the nano - here is a good guide when you want to open the ipod: iPod Nano 3rd Generation Logic Board Replacement


sure, i did that several time too in each computer i've tried...

What can i do if i open the ipod? i dont have any electronic knowledge...

My ipod is open now... but i dont know what to do... i tried plug the cable directly to the connector, outside the case and nothing new... And clean the back side of the motherboard and nothing... T_T


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