Works in every way but there's no picture!

It's a 50inch Toshiba Fire TV

When the picture went out the TV was literally less than 2 years old that was about a year ago and it has been sitting unused since then. It was completely fine till one day the picture went weird a couple of times then made a small noise and the screen went blank. It works in every single other way; the screen and the entire TV is completely undamaged, the screen still comes on and lights up, the internet still connects, the volume still works it is JUST the image is not showing up! What could it possibly be? And could it be something fixable?

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Hi @njw1991 ,

I don't know the TV but when you say "...the screen still comes on and lights up" does this mean that the maker's logo appears when it is first turned on?

Can you see the TV menu screens OK?

If the signal souce for the TV is a “box” of some description rather than an antenna, have you tried resetting the “box” by turning it off, waiting for a few minutes and then turning it back on again to check if there now is a picture and audio on the screen?

Have you tried using a different signal source connected to the TV e.g. a dvd player to see if there is an image on the screen?


@jayeff no there is no logo I just mean the screen still comes on and has light but it's black and the signal source is internal and built in and it still has audio, I could still use voice control and internet connection still worked(I could still get stuff to play just not see it playing) and I honestly can't recall if I changed the source to see if it would work with one of my external devices I feel like I might have tried my PS4 at the time but it has been a while



Can you view the TV menus at all, you didn't say?

If possible try all input types as well just in case one type is faulty.

Try shining a torch at an angle close to the screen when the TV is on and you have audio, to check if you can detect any images. They will be very faint if they are there at all.

If they are there then there is a backlight problem


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