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iPhone 7 plus был выпущен 22 сентября 2017 года и увидел свет в качестве двух модификаций: A1863, A1905. Поставлялся с двумя различными модулями мобильной связи: GSM или CDMA, а также с 64 Гб или 256 Гб встроенного хранилища. Цвет корпуса можно было приобрести золотой, серебристый или Space Gray.

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iPhone 8 won't charge after replacing battery.

So ,there's an iPhone 8 . 2 days ago I replaced the battery which was working for 2 days. It's not the phone I'm using in everydays so I left on my desk this morning . When I came home this afternoon I noticed that the battery is 0% and in settings I cannot see the battery health anymore.If I plug in the charging cable I can hear the charging sound but nothing happens.

What could have happened? It was working just fine for almost two days.

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Yes , the problem was a bad battery however it was a battery with an apple logo on it. Now I use a different one . it works just fine for 4 days now. The seller says there's warranty on the bad battery but I lost the warranty because I replaced it and not an expert who has a certificate...


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Could be a bad battery, I had a similar problem with a cheap replacement. With the battery health not showing that is apples own fault for anti 3rd party repair but maybe contact the people you got the battery from. Also check all the cables are connected correctly

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If you have nudged the components that are shown in the red circles it will produce the symptoms your device is experiencing. Check them under some magnification before you purchase another battery.

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Apple didn't start restricting the battery health information upon replacing the battery until the iPhone XS. Prior to that there were no restrictions on a replacement battery, so it's not going to be related to just the fact that you replaced the battery.

As @samm_ has stated, you'll need to open the phone back up and check the battery connection. Unplug it and check it with a magnifying glass and a bright light; both the connector on the flex cable and the one on the logic board. You're looking for bent or broken pins or possibly any kind of contaminant that may have gotten into the connector and is keeping the battery pins from making contact.

Once you're satisfied everything's okay, clean both sides with 90% or higher concentration of isopropyl alcohol. Once it's dry, reassemble and retest. Look at the battery health in the settings and if the phone indicates it's charging when plugged in.

If you still can't get anywhere, then you may indeed have a bad battery. If you still have the old one you could try swapping it in; if it works at all, then that would tend to point to the replacement battery being at fault. Given that they're not all that expensive, you could always try getting a replacement; you can try getting one from the original seller or just try something completely different and buy it elsewhere.

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i'd have to agree with the assessment of it being a bad battery.

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