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Выпущено 21 сентября 2018 г. Модели A1921, A2101, A2102, A2104. Доступен как GSM, CDMA / eSIM или nano-SIM / 64, 256 или 512 ГБ / серебристый, золотой или космический серый. (Произносится как «iPhone 10 S Max.»)

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After screen replacement and two weeks lock screen features don't work

After I replaced the screen and got the data moved with a programer so i don't get the "non genuin notification" The lock screen features won't work after two weeks like the flash and camera and also sometimes the screen starts to touch randomly allover the screen.

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You have a faulty screen if it’s ‘ghost touching’. Did you replace it yourself or did a shop do it?

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I did it my self and it wasn't showing these issues at.


Try and get a replacement. Some don’t show issues straight away. I take it the software is up to date?


Yes the software is up to date so that can't be it.


@mesugemesuge ask the supplier to replace it.


Alight going to do that and also im going-to update you guys here thanks for the help.


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