Ответов (10) 4 Оценка |
So how do I fix the stiff left button issue? |
Also includes scroll wheel and side to side scrolling.
Current Part Numbers : 910-000314 (blue), 910-000311, 910-000969
Older Part Numbers : 810-000953 (black), 910-000299 (white)
This fantastic mouse suffers from a small design flaw which, over time, makes the left mouse button virtually unclickable. Here's the problem & how to fix it.
The logitech v470 mouse has a small design flaw that, over time, makes the left mouse button stiffen up and eventually the mouse becomes unusable.
After 6 to 12 battery changes the small metal plate under the left hand mouse button works free from its position and slides up a few millimeters preventing the left mouse button from being pressed.
You'll need super glue and a small phillips (star) head screwdriver to fix this problem.