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iPhone 12 Pro Max 前置摄像头更换


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iPhone 12 Pro Max 五角螺丝更换


iPhone 12 Pro Max 显示屏总成更换

Информационный справочник

= Готово = Не завершен
    Use this guide to remove and replace the front camera assembly (a.k.a. selfie cam) in an iPhone 12 Pro Max.

    Note that if***Note:*** If you replace this part, '''***Face ID will no longer work'''***. This repair will restore a broken selfie cam to working order, but on iOS 17.6 and earlier, only Apple or an Apple “authorized” technician can restore Face ID. On iOS 18 and newer, you can recalibrate new, genuine front-facing cameras using Apple's [link|https://support.apple.com/en-us/120579|Repair Assistant|new_window=true].
      Compare your new replacement part to the original part—you may need to transfer remaining components or remove adhesive backings from the new part before installing.
      '''To reassemble your device, follow the above steps in reverse order.'''
      ***To reassemble your device, follow the above steps in reverse order.***
      After your repair, depending on the replacement part, you may be able to [link|https://support.apple.com/en-us/120579|calibrate it using Apple's Repair Assistant|new_window=true], available as of iOS 18. Update your device, navigate to Settings ***→*** General ***→***About ***→*** Parts & Service History, tap Restart & Finish Repair, and follow the onscreen prompts.
      Take your e-waste to an [[E-Waste|R2 or e-Stewards certified recycler|new_window=true]].
      Repair didn’t go as planned? Try some [[Troubleshooting Problems After a Repair|basic troubleshooting]], or ask our [link|https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/Device/iPhone%2012%20Pro%20Max|iPhone 12 Pro Max Answers community] for help.

      Шаги руководства

      Шаг 1 — 断开前置摄像头组件的连接

      使用撬棒或指甲将 Face ID 传感器电缆从其在逻辑板上的插座上断开。

      Шаг 2

      使用撬棒或指甲将Face ID点投影仪电缆从其在主板上的插座上断开。

      Шаг 3

      轻轻将Face ID电缆连接器从主板上推开,以访问下面的自拍凸轮连接器。

      Шаг 4 — 卸下前置摄像头组件


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