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Battery Replacement iPhone 4

Dan Dazell -

iPhone 4

iPhone 4 Battery Replacement

iPhone 4 Battery Replacement

5 - 30 мин.


Моя проблема

New battery needed.

Моё решение

No problems at all.

Мой совет

Be sure to read or watch a tutorial video before beginning as it will clarify steps to be taken. The small tool kit offered by iFixit works fine, take your time with plenty of direct light and the replacement will be done in a very short time. Because of close quarters inside the phone a jewelers magnifier or equivalent would come in handy but not absolutely necessary. Take CAREFUL note as to how the ribbon connected to the battery is folded in two places so as to fit well between the battery and receptacle using the old battery as a reference.

iPhone 4 Battery Изображение
iPhone 4 Battery


iFixit iPhone 4 and 4S Screen Protector Изображение
iFixit iPhone 4 and 4S Screen Protector


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