The last LG phone we tore down was the very modular LG G5, which was super easy to take apart and scored an impressive 8 out of 10 on our repairability meter. But that was then—what have we now? Let’s tear down the new LG G7 ThinQ.
Выберете то, что вам нужно
Видео обзор
- Lots of components are modular and can be replaced independently.
- The battery can be replaced, but adhesive and a glued-on rear panel make it unnecessarily difficult.
- Front and back glass make for double the crackability, and strong adhesive on both makes it tough to access the internals for any repair.
- Screen repair, the most common type repair, is not prioritized, requiring an almost complete disassembly while battling tough adhesive.
Заключительные мысли
Уровень ремонтопригодности

Ремонтопригодность 4из 10
(10 легче всего ремонтировать)
(10 легче всего ремонтировать)
9 Комментариев
Good luck to you.
coco - Ответить
coco - Ответить
wanted close up pictures
Genesis Amadeus - Ответить
when the back glass cover is replaced after it is cracked and then pried off, how do you achieve “water proof” again”? Thank you
Richard W - Ответить
You have to install new adhesive.
segin2005 -