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I got a costumer iPhone 11pro, he brought it for data recovery, while inspecting the board i saw that RAM is cracked(never...
Читать далееI have a costumer iPad and it won’t charge, i have changed the charging port but still the same problem, after i removed...
Читать далееI have an iPhone X and it’s brand new (don’t asnwer with : send it to apple) it only worked 12 days and face id shows...
Читать далееHi friends i’m not asking anything i just wanted to drop this solution here bc a lot of Samsung J320F/FN that came to me...
Читать далееHi, i have a problem with A750SN got stuck in bootloop. After i tried to enter download mode it shows me only “Power Reset...
Читать далееHi, can someone tell me the value (Ohms) of R1103 Resistor near the audio IC. I removed the Audio IC to make a jumper on...
Читать далееI have an samsung j600FN and it won’t turn on, when i connect it to the PC and go to copmuter managment the pc says that i...
Читать далееi got 2 iphone 6s that i bought from a person and he said to me they work fine but they don't connect to wifi nettworks....
Читать далееi have an iphone 6 and if you put it on the table and don't use it for about 20mins than it goes dead only way to wake it...
Читать далееwon't charge above 2-3% i changed the charging port but no luck
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The problem was PMIC failure.
Читать далееMeasure the R1103 resistor with diode mode ( red on ground , black on the each side of the resistor) multimeter should give you around 466 and 485. If the values are different from those than you should remove the audio ic and make a jumper on c12.
Читать далееTry to resolder the USB port pins. If you have a multimeter it is more easy to locate the problem. If you have one let me know and i will tell you where to start.
Читать далееDo you have this problem only with one wifi (router) or it happens when you connect to every wifi. If the problem is only in one Router (and other devices does’t have that problem in the same router) you should Factory reset the wifi router because it happens with some devices the wifi router conflict the mac address of your device wifi. If the problem happens in every wifi you connect so first you have to Reset network settings (if no luck), Flash it with original firmware (if again no luck), you have to reball the Wifi IC.
Читать далееYes you can, isolate the are near camera glass with somthing that can take the heat so you don’t head the whole phone, take some thin material and start sliding it under the glass.
Читать далееPress and hold the power button until you hear two beeps: one when you first press and another seven seconds later.
Читать далееCheck for worn or damaged O-rings Check your seal Check for cracks Don’t overfill
Читать далее(1) Too much Detergent added. (2) Overfilled Washer. (3) Drain Pump not working or clogged. (4) Drain Hose may be bent or clogged. (5) Water Supply Hoses bent or kinked. (6) Water Supply Valves not fully open. (7) Switch or Control Board malfunction.
Читать далееUse this as a reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuZz_D1u...
Читать далееDid you had any leak of liquid into the backlight. Those are backlight “papers” lines from what i see in the photo. If you clean the LCD with aclool be careful to not pour a lot in the screen.
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