About me
I am a junior at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. I am majoring in aeronautical science. once i graduate i wanna commission in the USAF and fly fighters. Technology is always been a part of my life, i like to think i am pretty good at troubleshooting things.
I am a member of Lambda chi alpha where i hold the position of Recruiting chair and also i am in AFROTC. I like to watch football and be outdoors a lot in my spare time.
I think this is a great project with a great mission in mind. I believe this project will help me grow not only as a technical writer but as a person as well. Helping people save money and time fixing things they love, while also helping the planet is truly a noble endeavor that i am glad to now be apart of.
Инструкции с моим вкладом
Patrick Dunagan
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Team S20-G6, Branham Fall 2019
Тег команды: ERAU-BRANHAM-F19S20G6