Вики, созданная, благодаря помощи студентов
Эта вики выполнена отличной студенческой командой из нашей образовательной программы.
Charge not lasting the full duration of time
Computer does not turn on when not plugged in or the battery will not sustain the device during usage
Too many applications running
Open Task manager using CTRL-SHIFT-ESCAPE to verify what programs are using large amounts of memory or CPU resources. If the PC is found to have odd programs it is recommended to run an antivirus or similar software.
Potential faulty Battery
If the laptop only turns on when plugged into the wall outlet, regardless of charging time, it is likely that the battery needs to be replaced.
During use the computer baseplate is too hot to touch
The computer is hot to the touch, your fan is running overtime, and your computer processing speed slows.
Multiple browsers open
Too many browsers open could cause your computer to overwork itself, which could lead to overheating. Closing any unnecessary browsers or tabs that are no longer being could prevent your computer from overheating.
Dust build up in fan
If there is dust building up on your computer fan the first thing you are going to do is get a compressed air can, power down your computer and disconnect it from the power source. Next open the case of your computer and locate your fan and CPU cooler once located lightly spray both the fan and the CPU cooler.
Unknown Virus
There may be an unknown virus on your computer that is causing your computer to overheat. The easiest solution to this problem is to download a malware detection program and run it. This should detect any viruses and get rid of them. Hardware Diagnostic Test
Laptop will not turn on
The computer does not power on when power button is pressed, with or without the power adapter connected.
Faulty Battery
Connect the power adapter to the device and ensure the charging LED is illuminated. If the laptop powers on only when connected to the power adapter the battery is Faulty, consider purchasing a replacement.
Defective SSD
Even though the SSD is still installed in the device, an error may prevent you from booting. Using another device create a windows installation USB and boot onto it. Select the “Repair Your Computer” option and click “Startup Repair”, let this process run. If the laptop still does not boot after these steps a replacement SSD will be needed.
Defective Power Adapter
Connect the power adapter to the device, ensure the charging LED is illuminated. If the light is not illuminated and the laptop will still not power on, consider purchasing a replacement adapter.
Malfunctioning Keyboard
The keys on the keyboard can either not be pressed fully or when pressed fully do not do their intended function.
Cleaning key
We must first address the state of the external components to our keyboard. First look to see if there is any dust, dirt, debris, or sludge on the keyboard. If any of these happens to be on the keyboard it could potentially block the key from pressing the button it is indicating fully. After locating any potential issues, turn the laptop off using the button ribbon on the computer. Left-click the windows icon, click the power icon, then select shut down. Once powered off we can begin cleaning the keyboard by using a towel or microfiber cloth to wipe off debris and dust. To clean any sludge or sticky keys, we can use a lint-free cotton swab and isopropyl alcohol to lightly scrub away. Do not soak the swabs in alcohol because you may damage your keyboard with excess liquid; instead, lightly dab the swab into the alcohol, then start scrubbing. Make sure to let the keyboard fully dry before testing. If keys are still stuck after cleaning, some keys may need additional cleaning or debris clearing. To clear these problematic keys, you may need help from additional tools such as canned CO2 air or specific keyboard cleaning brushes.
Broken keys/ Missing keys
Broken or missing keys on a keyboard can easily be replaced once ordered by doing the following:
- Remove the key cap by sliding a flathead screwdriver under a corner of the retainer clip and release the key
- There will be four metal clips secured into the keyboard latching the retainer clip move the clip upwards by gently sliding the retainer clip forward, then using the same screwdriver gentle pry the plastic it should give away easily. There will be a light pop once done properly.
- Replace the old retainer clip with a new one using the reverse of the technique to take off the original retainer clip, making sure not to remove the middle rubber piece
- Center new, keycap, then press down until it clicks into place
Diagnosing keys issues
To diagnose issues with your keyboard, we can use the keyboard diagnostic software included by Microsoft in the Windows base package.
Open your settings in the search bar to the left, and you will type in the following “find and fix keyboard problems”
Select the first option from the drop-down menus, then click next
The troubleshooting software will then tell you what issues may need to be changed then will do it for you
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