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Why has my iPhone 6s suddenly stopped working?

My Iphone 6s has suddenly stopped working for no real reason. I just could not turn it on one day (It´s charged and I have tried hard resetting it). I haven´t dropped it or anything like that and there is nothing wrong with it´s exterior except for one of the two little screws on the bottom has disappeared. I would really like to know what´s wrong whit it or what might have happened. Thx in advanced :)

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Has anyone found a solution to this problem?


Every thing is intact but it has stopped working ,when you charge the phone it get hot.


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Выбранное решение

You could have a defective battery. Apple has a recall program for the iPhone 6S experiencing unexpected shutdowns. I would check out the site to see if your phone is eligible for a free replacement.

You say and iTunes enabled computer does not recognize the phone. Do you use non-original chargers to charge your device, like a cheap car charger or fake Apple charging brick? Those are known to blow out the charge circuit on the logic board.

You should also consider sending your phone to a reputable micro-soldering repair shop. They will be able to properly troubleshoot your device because it sounds like you have a logic board issue (check the battery first).

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My iPhone six complete turned off and won’t work at all I have only had it for 13 months help


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Does it make a tone when you plug it in? Have you tried a hard reset? Hold the power button and Home button down for about 10 seconds. If you don't see the screen come on with a white Apple then the phone isn't resetting.

Is the case still tight on the side with the missing screw? I don't think that would cause problems but it's a possibility.

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No it does not make a sound when i plug it in and yes i have tried to hard reset it without any luck. On the side where the screw is missing the screen is a little bit loose and when i push down on it it makes a clicking sound witch it does not make on the other side.


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The two tiny screw are the holder for the whole body if one is missing that show the all the parts are not place in the proper place. Try and press the button at home and make sure is at the right angle. Off button till all shutdown ,, a full shut down and on again it should work'!!! Aline the missing screw side ::: do a full shutdown and reboot!!

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Thanks for the reply but i don´t really understand what you mean i should do. I pressed the home button and it feels like it´s in the right angle but after that I don´t know what to do, pressing the off button does nothing.


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What we can do is when a phone got no reaction , unplug the device and if you left it overnight if that's nothing we can do about it , still no reaction we plug to the charge ,and on it , (that ) once the device cool down it should reboot

once we left it to cool for a few hours, meaning it drain off the power empty , battery devices seems to have this problem, obviously we cannot open the iphone and disconnect the battery to it Mainboard ,, unplug the power supplied , just left it a few hour let it drain off the power supplies!! Hope it help

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I have an iPhone 6 and it was perfectly fine. Nothing was missing like yours. I went to Apple and they said it just stopped working and couldn’t do anything about it. That was all it just stoped working for no reason. I hope you find a solution but the iPhone 6’s are just going out of date like the iPhone 5’s.

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Yeah my iPhone 6 did the same thing, won’t respond to a charge reset or anything and the thing is like brand new, I don’t want to throw it away with at least trying to save it


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mine just did this again last night.. this is the second time it has done this. just sitting there, perfectly normal, and all of a sudden stops working. before this, the battery had kept dying really quickly, and the phone would reject certain cords, like if plugged it in just wouldn't respond, even with some brand new out of the box cords. the solution was to replace the tristar chip, but it looks like now I'll have to go back to the store to see what happened. cheers

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Change your battery because it might have been old


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I had this problem

Just take the battery connection off by undoing the two bottom screws, Lift the screen ( don't undo the screen) and then undo the two screws which hold down a small metal sheet under which is the battery connection. Undo this whilst charging the phone and put it back on and the phone should start up again.

Then redo the screws up and charge the phone up to max

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Not sure but I have a iPhone 6+ and all of a sudden I lost service and all I could do is text threw WiFi and only to iPhone owners and nothing else, my phone is In perfect condition, I have an otter box case on it from the beginning and has never taken any rough damage so I know for a fact that it isn’t user error, it get service randomly on it’s on what could it be please help

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I have an iPhone 6s and right now this iPhone isn’t working. Last night it was just charging normally but then all of a sudden it stopped responding to all the chargers. I decided to turn it off for a few minutes and turn it on again. I woke up the next morning to see if it works and it just shut off for good. I tried pressing on the home button but no luck. Guess I have to go to a repair shop.

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hi i have an iphone 6s and it’s alright.But all of a sudden it started acting up.I can’t close off my tabs or slide and see how many tabs i have.Also when i swipe down its swipes down slow and i try swiping down fast because it’s slow and it just speeds up.Also on my home screen i can’t swipe next or before to view my apps,now i have to tap on little dots to swipe what apps i want.And for tiktok i can’t swipe down either so now i can to refresh every video to watch. My screen isn’t working,i can’t zoom in or zoom out,and like i said i cant swipe down and swipe up most of times but when i do its very slow.I tried powering off my phone so many times but it wouldn’t let me.Not also that i can’t go on some apps.Can anyone pls help me?I didn’t damage my phone,it just started acting up.Please lmk what’s wrong.If i have to go to apple to fix it,i completely understand but idk how much i have to pay and there’s no apple near me so that will be difficult.My carrier is tmobile and i been having this phone since 2018.Is there a way they can replace my phone with a new phone for free?There is no way i’m paying for a new phone.

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hi, i have the iphone 6s plus and i had recently got it fixed, but a couple days after it shut off and wouldnt respond to anything. not even the hard reset is working. i tried charging it over night and when i woe up the next morning it still wouldnt turn on. please help :(

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I feel you!!!! This just happened to me a couple of hours ago! I'm getting livid?


its happened to me 2 weeks ago since an IOS 14 update.. Got local shop to change battery (€40) .. Worked for a day but the new OS drained the battery so quickly that i had to charge it 3 times in 1 day. Lefty it overnight at 100% battery but unplugged.. Dead and unresponsive in the morning.. Bought new battery and tools from Ifixit (excellent by the way) .. fixed the battery issue but not the battery drain. Lasted 2 days but out of house / away from charger for 3 hours = another dead unresponsive battery.. Charged for 4 hours.. unplugged battery and re=attached.. still dead.. Apple IOS 14 getting the thumbs down here..


@unc_joe its been atleast 2 weeks, and it STILL wont come on, but when i put it on the charger after an hour or so n it feels warm smhh. seriously dont know what to do


hi guys.. so, as above - i've been through 3 battery replacements and had the same drama each time. I spent pretty much all weekend (it seemed) talking to apple support, who finally came out and said there was a warranty issue with the iphone 6s made between October 2018 and August 2019. ( support.apple.com/en-ie/iphone-6s-6s-plus-no-power-issues-program ) .. they are sending me a box to post for repair and the web page also offers compensation for previous repair costs etc. Be quick.. They told me that the program lasts 2 years from date of purchase, but mine was 25 months old and they still agreed to repair it as a 'one off gesture of goodwill' .. I hope this helps you.. I'll update if and when i ever get my phone back!


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Hey so my iPhone 6 Plus was working only while plugged in. As soon I unplugged it from the charger it would die in 30 min or less. The phone does have a cracked screen but it still worked fine as long as it was being charged. Then one day it just would turn back on. Do you think it’s the battery or circuit board?

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