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Repair guides and support for the Huawei P9 Lite, released in April 2016.

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Huawei P9 Lite плохо ловит WI-FI

Здравствуйте ! После замены дисплейного модуля плохо ловит сеть Wi-Fi, даже при создании точки доступа с телефона, который лежит рядом, уровень сигнала не превышает одного деления, а порой и пропадает. Где у данного аппарата находится антенна W-FI, подозреваю, что проблема в ней ? Bluetooth при этом работает корректно.

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p9 lite has a very good build, it is unlikely that this is due to poor antenna contact, but rather due to the firmware version. They haven't been updated for a long time. Perhaps you dropped something badly, or you had previously repaired something and poorly assembled it in the service, if there were no falls, then it’s most likely due to the firmware version.....

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Hey! I'm not an expert, but it sounds like the Wi-Fi issue might be related to the antenna. I'm not sure about the exact location on the Huawei P9 Lite, but you could try checking if the antenna connections are secure after the display module replacement. Sometimes, a loose connection can affect Wi-Fi reception. If that doesn't help, maybe reaching out to a professional or the place where the display was replaced could be a good idea. Hope you get it sorted out!

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