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Can I use iPhone 6 Plus Battery Adhesive Strips on the iPhone 6s?


Can I use the below product as the Adhesive Strips for my iPhone 6s, as the specific Adhesive Strips for iPhone 6s are out of stock?

iPhone 6 Plus/6s Plus/7 Plus Battery Adhesive Strips (ifixit.com)

Our of stock: iPhone 6/6s/7 Battery Adhesive Strips (ifixit.com)

Note: am not sure why this - iPhone 6s Battery: Replacement Part / Repair Kit (ifixit.com) - don't have the Adhesive Strips included...?

Many thanks!

iPhone 6/6s/7 Battery Adhesive Strips Изображение


iPhone 6/6s/7 Battery Adhesive Strips


iPhone 6 Plus/6s Plus/7 Plus Battery Adhesive Strips Изображение


iPhone 6 Plus/6s Plus/7 Plus Battery Adhesive Strips


iPhone 6s Battery Изображение


iPhone 6s Battery


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You can use whichever adhesive strips for whichever phone, it’s just sticky goop to make sure the battery is secured.

The 6SPlus though has a much bigger battery, so you may need to do some trimming to get it to fit correctly.

But. That being said, if you look back at the iPhone 6S battery listing. Take a look at the image of the rear side of JUST the battery (not the kit, part only). Adhesive strips are pre-installed. So I would get the 6S kit. And if you think you want extra adhesive just in case, you can buy additional of other phones.

iPhone 6s Battery Изображение


iPhone 6s Battery


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So, I can basically buy "Just the Battery" + iOpener kit, and I get the same results in terms of the require parts needed to get the job done?


@ngoldenaxe I would make sure you have the following to do this repair properly. It’s up to you what method you use to purchase. the kits are meant to make one off repairs easy, but if you already have some of those tools, doing it “a la carte” may be preferable.

* Battery + battery adhesive

* Display adhesive liner (to re dust/water resistance the phone when you close back up)

* Pentalobe size P2 and precision Philips head screwdriver and/or bits.

* Suction cup or iOpener

* Nylon/Plastic Spudger


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