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Why did the new IFIXIT battery swell up in less than a year?

I ordered a replacement battery kit from IFIXIT for my iPhone 6S in April 2023. The installation went OK and the instructions were easy to follow. The phone had some use after the new battery was fitted, but recently has been mostly idle. It was left switched off for a while, then connected to power to re-charge. I now find that the battery has swelled a lot and is bending the screen outwards by about 5mm. Is is usual for the IFIXIT battery to fail so soon?

in friendship


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Sounds like something you can take up as a guarantee case with Ifixit as batteries are usually not supposed to fail this easily. Did you doublecheck everything at the time of installation? One minor thing like a tiny shard of glass or a tiny bit of metal shavings under the battery can cause these issues over time if it was not doublechecked and installed properly. More details about how it was stored etc would help people here give a better diagnosis.


Thanks Markus - as a retired electronics engineer I am usually quite careful about working in a sterile environment and avoiding foreign objects getting into the innards of anything I'm operating on, so I hope that was not the issue.

As to storage, it has been at room temperature since the new battery was fitted, with as previously mentioned, some active use and then left powered down for a few weeks or maybe a month or more, then put on charge and left unused.

I haven't yet seen any obvious way to claim under guarantee but will poke around more on the IFIXIT website.

in friendship



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@rowland28774 iFixit offers 1 year warranty on their batteries The iFixit Guarantee It may have been the battery but things like this can also be caused by issues with the charging circuitry and the power management IC

Anyhow, iFixit will always make things right. that is why we are still here :-)

Repair is War on entropy!

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Thanks for the link - not sure why I couldn't find it first try. Have now initiated a guarantee claim by e-mail


You may have gotten unlucky, faulty batteries do exist!

Good luck with your new one once you get it, my friend.


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