It's going to be pry damage like con is suggesting.
Those components can be replaced pretty readily--take a close look and see if you can find something knocked off.
In response to the general problem of no searching after any work done on an iPhone 5---I have just seen a second phone with this defect that is caused by screwdriver damage nicking the bottom right corner of the U16X glass ic. I'm writing a blog post about it tonight (click my profile to make your way to my site if you want to read). One customer tried to restore after this damage and the phone gives a hardware error 1669 and is a brick.
If you see this damage with a searching no service problem that is not solved by common date/time tricks---i would recommend NOT restoring the phone.
see small damage on corner of the chip (note: the uneven edges are normal---that is just the overspray of the black resin that Apple applies to the chip)
It's going to be pry damage like con is suggesting.
Those components can be replaced pretty readily--take a close look and see if you can find something knocked off.