I'm going to assume you are either running Windows 8.x or Windows 10 on this system even though you never confirmed anything. These are the only two OSes I know care about the signature of the files to the extent the OS WILL NOT load.
Generally speaking the few times I have seen the automatic repair fail is when it's a Secure Boot problem caused by MBR or BCD corruption. Because of how Secure Boot works, the system fails to boot because the corrupted files don't have the signature Windows is expecting. I'm going to assume you don't have installation media, so use this tool for [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10|Windows 10] or this one for [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows8|Windows 8.x].
Generally speaking the few times I have seen the automatic repair fail is when it's a Secure Boot problem caused by MBR or BCD corruption. Because of how Secure Boot works, the system fails to boot because the corrupted files don't have the signature Windows is expecting. I'm going to assume you don't have installation media, so use this tool to create media for [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10|Windows 10] or this one for [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows8|Windows 8.x].
The instructions for [https://neosmart.net/wiki/fix-mbr/#Fix_the_MBR_in_Windows_8_or_81|Windows 8.x] can be found here. If you're running [https://neosmart.net/wiki/fix-mbr/#Fix_the_MBR_in_Windows_10|Windows 10], refer to this version. I'm not 100% positive if Windows 10 is the same as 8.x, so I've linked instructions just in case.
I'm going to assume you are either running Windows 8.x or Windows 10 on this system even though you never confirmed anything. These are the only two OSes I know care about the signature of the files to the extent the OS WILL NOT load.
Generally speaking the few times I have seen the automatic repair fail is when it's a Secure Boot problem caused by MBR or BCD corruption. Because of how Secure Boot works, the system fails to boot because the corrupted files don't have the signature Windows is expecting.
Generally speaking the few times I have seen the automatic repair fail is when it's a Secure Boot problem caused by MBR or BCD corruption. Because of how Secure Boot works, the system fails to boot because the corrupted files don't have the signature Windows is expecting. I'm going to assume you don't have installation media, so use this tool for [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10|Windows 10] or this one for [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows8|Windows 8.x].
The instructions for [https://neosmart.net/wiki/fix-mbr/#Fix_the_MBR_in_Windows_8_or_81|Windows 8.x] can be found here. If you're running [https://neosmart.net/wiki/fix-mbr/#Fix_the_MBR_in_Windows_10|Windows 10], refer to this version. I'm not 100% positive if Windows 10 is the same as 8.x, so I've linked instructions just in case.
I'm going to assume you are either running Windows 8.x or Windows 10 on this system even though you never confirmed anything. These are the only two OSes I know care about the signature of the files to the extent the OS WILL NOT load.
Generally speaking the few times I have seen the automatic repair fail is when it's a Secure Boot problem caused by MBR or BCD corruption. Because of how Secure Boot works, the system fails to boot because the corrupted files don't have the signature Windows is expecting.
The instructions for [https://neosmart.net/wiki/fix-mbr/#Fix_the_MBR_in_Windows_8_or_81|Windows 8.x] can be found here. If you're running [https://neosmart.net/wiki/fix-mbr/#Fix_the_MBR_in_Windows_10|Windows 10], refer to this version.
The instructions for [https://neosmart.net/wiki/fix-mbr/#Fix_the_MBR_in_Windows_8_or_81|Windows 8.x] can be found here. If you're running [https://neosmart.net/wiki/fix-mbr/#Fix_the_MBR_in_Windows_10|Windows 10], refer to this version. I'm not 100% positive if Windows 10 is the same as 8.x, so I've linked instructions just in case.
I'm going to assume you are either running Windows 8.x or Windows 10 on this system even though you never confirmed anything. Generally speaking the few times I have seen the automatic repair fail is when it's a Secure Boot problem caused by MBR or BCD corruption. Because of how Secure Boot works, the system fails to boot because the corrupted files don't have the signature Windows is expecting.
I'm going to assume you are either running Windows 8.x or Windows 10 on this system even though you never confirmed anything. These are the only two OSes I know care about the signature of the files to the extent the OS WILL NOT load.
Generally speaking the few times I have seen the automatic repair fail is when it's a Secure Boot problem caused by MBR or BCD corruption. Because of how Secure Boot works, the system fails to boot because the corrupted files don't have the signature Windows is expecting.
The instructions for [https://neosmart.net/wiki/fix-mbr/#Fix_the_MBR_in_Windows_8_or_81|Windows 8.x] can be found here. If you're running [https://neosmart.net/wiki/fix-mbr/#Fix_the_MBR_in_Windows_10|Windows 10], refer to this version.
I'm going to assume you are either running Windows 8.x or Windows 10 on this system even though you never confirmed anything. Generally speaking the few times I have seen the automatic repair fail is when it's a Secure Boot problem caused by MBR or BCD corruption. Because of how Secure Boot works, the system fails to boot because the corrupted files don't have the signature Windows is expecting.
The instructions for [https://neosmart.net/wiki/fix-mbr/#Fix_the_MBR_in_Windows_8_or_81|Windows 8.x] can be found here. If you're running [https://neosmart.net/wiki/fix-mbr/#Fix_the_MBR_in_Windows_10|Windows 10], refer to this version.