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I need a lcd for my g4 iBook

Can i fix my iBook by my self,or it will be better if i send it to you so you all can fix it?

my lcd of my iBook it's broken and i need to replace it.

can you fix it?

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Hi, Only you know if you are able to replace the LCD on your computer. I'm including the URL on replacing the LCD so you can look it over and decide if it within your abilities. Most people can do if they read the instructions carefully (several times) and go slowly. iFixit can help you with parts and tools for the job. Good luck. Ralph

iBook G4 14" 933 MHz-1.33 GHz LCD Replacement

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Before you order parts find the exact model number of your computer. It would be under the keyboard or the battery. Ralph


+ very good answer


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paco garcia будет вечно благодарен.
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